Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L USM Telephoto Zoom Lens for Canon SLR Cameras

Zoom Lens for Canon SLR Cameras
I have to say, "Wow I love this lens."
I'd recommend this lens for three kinds of people:
1) People who want to get a taste of the L-series lenses who need a lens in the 70-200mm focal length relatively inexpensively;
2) People who already own the 70-200mm f/2.8L IS lens who have to lug that huge thing around for a long time;
3) People who want a L-series 70-200mm lens who don't NEED f/2.8 or IS.
Call me a wimp, but shooting 1000-2000 shots a day in the field with the 70-200mm f/2.8 IS gets tiring, especially if you're hand-holding. This lens is relatively inexpensive for being L-series glass, the difference in optical quality is almost imperceptible from the f/2.8, and it's sturdy and ergonomic enough to use all day long.
When I plan on shooting the whole day, especially over the course of several days, this is the lens I take with me, NOT the f/2.8 IS. It's shorter, narrower, and lighter. While you may not feel the difference when shooting for a couple of hours, take two people of equal endurance and strength and give them the f/4 and f/2.8 IS and send them out for a day and you know who is going to come back with the sore arms when the day is over.
On a 1.6x FOVCF body, the 70-200mm focal range makes this lens a little tight; but at 1.3x or 1.0x FOVCF, this focal length range is quite awesome. When I travel, I like to pair this lens with the 17-40mm f/4 and use my feet to fill the gap between 40 and 70mm (I also take along el-cheapo 50mm f/1.8 so I can shoot in low light, and the 1.4x teleconverter to give myself an effective 450mm reach) -- all of this is a good, lightweight, relatively inexpensive package. Also, while being quite a chunk of pocket change, this lens is nowhere near as expensive as the f/2.8 versions, and so it's a lot less of something to worry about when traveling or shooting under adverse conditions.
As so far, I have found NOTHING that I do not like about this lens (well, except for the one-stop loss from f/2.8).
I have to say that if you are looking for a single lens to do General Purpose work, this is not it. This lens is for specfic purposes. This lens works best as one-half of a pair, taking the upper useful focal lengths, while you use something like the 17-40mm f/4L or the 24-70mm f/2.8L to handle lower range of focal lengths. If you're looking for a carry-everywhere never-change lens, try the 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS lens. It's a great value, the focal length range is in the sweet spot, and the optics are not bad.
Otherwise, if you fit into one of the three categories at the beginning of this post, I would highly recommend this lens to you.
All I bought at the price $636.00 dollars from website amazon.
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I think Zoom Lens for Canon SLR Cameras where everyone must have. I believe you will get a very good experience like me.
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