Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM

The optical quality is great, the speed is terrific, and it compares well to the 70-200mm lens that people like to say blows this out of the water (I believe they are wrong – but we will get into that later) and finally, the price cannot be beaten. Buy it.
No hood, extends as it zooms, and the quality of the picture in low light situation lessens a little.
The long version:
I am writing this in simple terms. I found several, several reviews on this lens but they were all in technical terms and leaves you scratching your head a little. So, if you are like me maybe this review will help you.
I bought this lens a couple months ago from (check these guys out. They regularly have significant sales and terrific customer service). I use this lens with a Canon 40D.
I take several types and styles of pictures so I needed a lens that would do the best job at several things and have a very affordable price (right at or less than $1,000). I looked through new, used, third party (Tamron, Sigma, etc) lenses, and read too many reviews and looked at too many images to count, and spent four hours in a photography store playing with lenses before I decided to spend money and take advantage of this lens. All in all I spent about a week’s worth of time in research and testing before I bought this lens.
Okay, so amazon won’t let me put a link here. This is how you find me.
~Go to Flickr
~Then type in a “/” then “photos” then “/” and last type in “gman_five0″
And that should take you there.
Test of comment #1:
~The Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM does not track moving objects very well and the farther to the end of the zoom the slower the tracking.
(Flickr Gallery page 2)
This, I have found, to be completely wrong. I have used the lens at several sporting events and found that it tracks rather nicely. I was able to track every step of a base-runner from first base to second, slide, and recovery after the play without losing ONE shot.
To see what I am talking about check out my gallery on Flickr. The older ones are NOT done with this lens or camera and taken, actually, several years ago. I will reference the pictures in question.
Safe, Got There By a Mile, Breaking Up That Double Play (please note that as time goes on from the date that this was posted the pictures may have been re-moved). Also, “Safe” was used instead of another shot taken at the same time and angle with a 70-200mm IS lens.
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