I'm a wedding and event photographer who owns a 5D2 and loves it to death, but sadly you can't put this lens on that camera. In fact in my opinion Canon doesn't make a lens as good as this that you can. This lens is why I keep a 50D in my arsenal.
I've done whole weddings with just this lens on a 50D, the ceremony, the posed photos, the candid shots and the reception. If you're a wedding photographer, oftentimes you can get by with just this lens.
Yes, I use wide angles and primes and sometimes I use the better than excellent 70-200 II on my 5D2 if the officient won't let me get close enough to the couple during the ceremony or if the reception is outside and I need the reach. And sometimes, if a wedding is outside and the location is beautiful, like at Lake Tahoe for example, I'll reach for a wide angle. And oftentimes I'll use a fast prime during the reception. But if you want to shoot weddings and can only have one lens, then I'd recommend this on a cropped body over anything else on a 5D2.
The pictures are tack sharp on this lens wide open from edge to edge and I know this to be true, because I shoot wide open with this lens a lot. An awful lot. Bokeh on this lens is creamy and good at f2.8. The only downsides to this lens is that Canon is cheap and doesn't give you a hood with it and it's not weather sealed like their L lenses, but in every other respect this is an L lens.
I must have said over a thousand times, "This is the best lens Canon makes." I believe that to be true. I own a lot of Canon lenses and those very expensive Ls that I don't own, I've rented and none of them surpass this, not even the heavier, more expensive 24-70 f/2.8.
I've done events with the 24-70L on my 5D2 and this lens on my 50D and I don't care that the 5D2 is full frame and I don't care that the 24-70L appears to be everybody's else's darling and I don't care that this lens doesn't have a red ring about it, because this lens is sharper at the edges wide open, faster focusing and has better bokeh than the much heralded 24-70L. Yes the L is wider and the difference between 24 and 27 wide (17-55mm on a crop body roughly translates to 27-88mm) can be dramatic, but you get a little more reach with this lens, you get sharper photos too. In fact you get sharper photos with this lens than any other zoom on Earth.
Canon really got everything right with this lens. This is the Wedding Photographers Lens. There is just no ifs, ands or buts about it.
More Detail : http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000EW8074/tipfla-20
More Review :http://camera.babybi.com/detail.php?id_detail=20