I’ve been an aspiring photographer for most of my adult life and always striving to get that better shot.I’ll never be a pro, but always striving for a better photo. I used to have a nice 35mm outfit with multiple lenses, but then the digital age came into play. I’ve had a few digital cameras, but nothing with the capabilities of a true SLR. Finally, with much thanks to my Wife, I have a new Canon Eos Rebel t1i and couldn’t be happier and am very impressed with the image quality of this camera. If you want simple, just run in full auto mode. After that, the capabilities with the various modes are as flexible as your imagination. I’m just getting started (had it for 3 weeks now), but each time I use it, I’m more impressed. Definitely a great camera for the money. I purchased with the standard 18-55 mm Kit lens and also the 75-250mm zoom. I would recommend doing the same, or at least plan on adding lenses down the road. These two lenses give me a very good range and I’m finding the zoom is great for candid photos and wildlife shots. Time will tell, but so far, I think I made the right choice.
More Detail : http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B002V1SMVK/tipfla-20
More Reviews : http://camera.babybi.com/detail.php?id_detail=22