Canon Rebel XS 10.1MP

This review is geared toward complete newbies (such as myself) who are coming from the point-and-shoot world.
I purchased this camera due to a budget constraint and after reading numerous reviews. For what you features you get, you simply cannot beat the price for an entry level DSLR camera. You may have looked at the XSI (as I have) and have been tempted to put forth the extra $100 or so to get that one. If you get down to the nitty gritty between the specs of the XS and XSI, you’ll find that they are very minimally different, and more importantly, those “extra” features will have no bearing on you as a DSLR newbie.
This XS (1000D) model is oft overlooked because so many are praising its “bigger brother” the XSI. But take a look at a side-by-side comparison and you’ll notice not much has been scaled back for this XS. Save that extra money for better glass. I would even be willing to speculate that a future firmware release will address some of these scaled-back features.
-Currently the best bang for buck you’re going to find (at this time).
-Canon didn’t scale back very much from the XSI
-Some report that the lower MP (10 vs XSI’s 12) gives better image quality because of the sensor (DigicIII).
-Excellent image quality even with the supplied kit lens.
-Easy to use (with some research-effort on your part)
-Canon compatibility — nuff said.
-Not crazy about the build materials (some sort of plastic). When I purchase things, I plan on owning them for a very long time, regardless of how “outdated” it may become a few years down the road.
-Some button placements for me seem counter-intuitive, but remember, I’m only a newbie.
-Has crop sensor like all of the rebels.
-Live View usefulness is questionable.
In short: If you’re coming from P&S, you will not be disappointed with this purchase. It will meet or exceed your expectations of photo quality and features.
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